TesT Bank for PrescoTT’s Microbiology 11th Edition By Joanne Willey, Kathleen Sandman, Dorothy Wood

Prescott's Microbiology, 11e (Willey) Chapter 1 The Evolution of Microorganisms and Microbiology 1) Extant microorganisms are organisms from the fossil record that are no longer present on Earth today. Answer: FALSE Topic: Taxonomy of Microorganisms Bloom's/Accessibility: 2. Understand / Keyboard Navigation ASM Topic: Module 01 Evolution ASM Objective: 01.05 The evolutionary relatedness of organisms is best reflected in phylogenetic trees. Learning Outcome: 01.02a Propose a timeline of the origin and history of microbial life and integrate supporting evidence into it 2) All cellular organisms can be placed into one of three ________, which include the Bacteria, Archaea, and the Eukarya. Answer: domains Topic: Taxonomy of Microorganisms Bloom's/Accessibility: 2. Understand / Keyboard Navigation ASM Topic: Module 01 Evolution ASM Objective: 01.05 The evolutionary relatedness of organisms is best reflected in phylogenetic trees. Learning Outcome: 01.01b Explain Carl Woeses contributions in establishing the three-domain system for classifying cellular life 3) Archaea are cellular organisms that have unique cell membrane ________. Answer: lipids Topic: Archaea Bloom's/Accessibility: 1. Remember / Keyboard Navigation ASM Topic: Module 02 Cell Structure and Function ASM Objective: 02.03 Bacteria and Archaea have specialized structures (e.g. flagella, endospores, and pili) that often confer critical capabilities. Learning Outcome: 01.01c Determine the type of microbe (e.g., bacterium, fungus, etc.) when given a description of a newly discovered one

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  • Pages 33
  • Category Test banks
  • School / University Harvard University
  • Course Nursing
  • Course Level University level
  • Year 2022
  • Keywords TesT Bank for PrescoTT’s Microbiology 11th Edition, Joanne Willey, Kathleen Sandman, Dorothy Wood, Microbiology, Microbiology Test bank
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