NOCTI Practice Test Review Questions and Answers Already Passed

NOCTI Practice Test Review Questions and Answers Already Passed A diagnostic test deals with _______________________. ✔✔assessing strengths and weaknesses The court case Lemon v. Kurtzman deals with ______________________. ✔✔Nonpublic and Secondary Education Act The Lemon Law is a test used to determine if the _________________ is violated. ✔✔First Amendment In what city, in 1874, was it ruled that taxes could be used to support schools? ✔✔Kalamazoo, MI How did the Title VII Civil Rights Act of 1964 change education today? ✔✔Outlawed discrimination What is the largest professional organization and largest labor union in the United States? ✔✔NAE (National Association of Educators) What is the American Federation of Teachers (AFT)? ✔✔an American labor union that primarily represents teachers What are the four types of learning? ✔✔Cognitive, Emotional, Social, and Physical This philosophy of education believes that one should teach the things that one deems to be everlasting importance to all people everywhere. Should teach principles, not facts. ✔✔Perennialism This philosophy of education believes that childhood is not adulthood; childhood is playing and no child ever gets enough play. Subject matter takes second place to helping the students understand and appreciate themselves as unique individuals who accept complete responsibility for their thoughts, feelings, and actions. ✔✔Existentialism This philosophy of education is derived from the belief that free will in an illusion. Human beings are shaped by their external environment. ✔✔Behaviorism This test is an examination that attempts to determine and measure a person's ability to acquire, through future training, some specific set of skills (intellectual, motor, etc.). An occupationorientated test for evaluating intelligence, achievement, and interest. ✔✔Aptitude Test This test is a standard test used ti measure acquired learning. ✔✔Achievement Test This test is used to provide teachers with objective assessments of the student's accuracy and knowledge of their subject. It also provides the opportunity for students to benchmark their performance within a class, nationally or internationally. ✔✔Proficiency Test This test shows headway; a forward movement; development; advancement of the student's subject knowledge. ✔✔Progress Test This is a test administered according to a standard procedure that assesses a student's aptitude by comparison with a standard. ✔✔Standardized Test This test is a type of test, assessment, or evaluation which yields an estimate of the position of the tested individual in a predefined population, with respect to the trait being measured. ✔✔Norm Referenced Test This test is one that provides for translating test scores into a statement about the behavior to be expected of a person with that score or their relationship a specified subject matter. ✔✔Criterion Referenced Test

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  • Pages 1
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  • Course Level University level
  • Year 2024
  • Keywords NOCTI Practice Test Review Questions and Answers Already Passed
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