HRM 531 Final Exam (2022 latest with well explained answers)

HRM 531 Final Exam (2022 latest with well explained answers) HRM 531 Final Exam (2022 latest with well explained answers) 1. When conduction a performance feedback discussion, active listening requires: a). verbal communications only b). summarizing what was said and what was agreed to c). interruptions to get your point across d). summarizing your key points. 2. Because practical considerations make job tryouts for all candidates infeasible, it is necessary to __________ the relative level of job performance for each candidate on the basis of available information a). predict b). abandon c). assign d). accept. 3. In _____, workers have been fired for refusing to quit smoking, for living with someone without being married, drinking a competitor’s product, motorcycling, and other legal activities outside of work. a). constructive discharge b). invasion of privacy c). defamation d). lifestyle discrimination. 4. In determining the competitiveness of benefits, senior management tends to focus mainly on a). security b). cost c). worth d). value. 5. When companies discover they can communicate better with their customers through employees who are similar to their customers, those companies then realize they have increased their _____ diversity. a). secondary b). internal c). primary d). external.

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  • Pages 5
  • Category Exam Elaboration
  • School / University Harvard University
  • Course Nursing
  • Course Level University level
  • Year 2022
  • Keywords HRM 531 Final Exam (2022 latest with well explained answers) HRM 531 Final Exam (2022 latest with well explained answers) HRM 531 Final Exam (2022 latest with well explained answers) HRM 531 Final Exam (2022 latest with well explained answers)
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