Florida Real Estate Exam (2024) Passed with 100% A+ GRADE

Florida Real Estate Exam (2024) Passed with 100% A+ GRADE Samuel wants to do a 1031 exchange. He sold his investment property and has identified the property he'd like to buy next. Within how many days must he close on this property in order for it to qualify as part of the exchange? ✔✔a. 180 b. 30 c.45 d.60 a.He has 45 days to identify a property he would like to purchase and 180 days to close on it, from time of sale. In which form of co-ownership is a person's ownership inheritable? ✔✔a. Joint tenancy b.Tenancy by the entirety c.Tenancy in common d.Tenancy in severalty c. Tenancy in common allows for a persons share to be inheritable, it does not automatically pass forth to the rest of the owners like in joint tenancy (this is called the right of survivorship). How long do prospective tenants have to request a refund after purchasing a rental list? ✔✔a. 10 days b.15 days c.30 days d.360 days C. 30 days. tenants have up to 30 days to request a 75% refund if they do not purchase a rental Which method best describes the foreclosure process in Florida? ✔✔a. Caveat emptor b.Judicial c.Lis pendens d.Non-judicial

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  • Pages 162
  • Category Exam Elaboration
  • School / University Harvard University
  • Course Health Care
  • Course Level Phd level
  • Year 2024
  • Keywords Florida Real Estate Exam (2024) Passed with 100% A+ GRADE
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