Computer Programming Python Test 2024.

How would I tell Tracy to move forward 100 pixels? - ANSWER forward(100) When Tracy is facing right, from what location does she start drawing her circle? - ANSWER The bottom of the circle When using the circle() command, what value do we put inside the parentheses? - ANSWER The radius of the circle How far does Tracy need to move from the starting position to reach the right side of the canvas? - ANSWER 200 pixels If you want Tracy to move forward 100 pixels without making a line, what set of commands should you write? - ANSWER penup() forward(100) What are the dimensions of Tracy's world? - ANSWER 400 x 400 pixels Which commands would move Tracy forward 100 pixels? I. forward(100) II. backward(-100) III. forward(-100) - ANSWER I and II Where does Tracy always start in the grid world? - ANSWER At the (0,0) coordinate in the middle of the canvas If Tracy started facing right, which direction would she be facing after we ran the following code? 1 left(90) 2 left(90) 3 right(90) - ANSWER Up Tracy always starts facing which direction? - ANSWER East If Tracy is facing right, which of the following commands can be used to turn her to face up? I. left(90) II. turn(up) III. right(-90) IV. setposition(90) - ANSWER I and II

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  • Pages 7
  • Category Exam Elaboration
  • School / University nairobi university
  • Course Education
  • Course Level University level
  • Year 2024
  • Keywords Computer Programming Python Test 2024.,Top Grade Guaranteed.
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